Documents Required for a UK [United Kingdom] ILR – Indefinite Leave to Remain

Welcome back to my blog! It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m excited to be back and share my thoughts and insights with you again. I’ve been away for a little while, but during that time, I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction I want to take this blog, and I have some exciting information that I can’t wait to share with you. It’s great to be back in the swing of things, and I’m looking

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50 Ways to Tell You’re From London Without Telling You’re From London

London Rules and Regulations Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran

London is an International place where we need to adopt new learning. Ah yes, London is a whole world in itself. Just like everyone learns certain things once they move to London, there are some things that only people living in London will truly understand. I have compiled a few of the important things which one can say while you are in London, United Kingdom to sound like a perfect British guy. Are you OK/alright? It’s a f**king weather always!

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Moving Country is Challenging & Turns out to be the Best of Better Decisions – Moved to London, United Kingdom

If any amendments are required, please write to prm @ or DM at Facebook Introduction Before furthering, this post may be interesting only for the people who love travelling or who moved across the borders. Potentially this could be a very long multipage post. Since 2008, I have constantly been crossing borders of India vigorously for various purposes. In the year 2019, I have been locked down clearly at a fixed location and was forced to move out of

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Job Recommendation – Risky Business of Reputation

In our life, we would have crossed the situation where we would have sought a Job Recommendation or Referred someone for some job either in our same office or through our Network. Earlier, it was awesome stuff and we would have carried a Pride of being an ambassador of our organisation or company. Alike everyone I too was in the same bowl of floating cotton until recently. Mostly I use to refuse to Recommend or Refer anyone, which might be

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Anniversary of my First Ruined Personal Trip

I am glad to meet you all through my blog after a long gap, which I am highly aware of. Last two months had been quite a draining month being busy with moving house and Brexit discussions. Yet, both of them were highly a roller caster and equally competent with each other. I will come up with a separate post about the same later. Today (25th December) was a historic date of my life where I started a worst-ever personal

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Secret of Success is whom You Marry / Stay Friends

There is an untold story about the Secret of Success is whom you Marry / stay Friends! Now, the story is proved by Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Whether we realize it or not, these people influence your entire thoughts and empower your strength visibly and invisibly. People with more supportive partners (spouse or friends) tend to take more challenging decisions in their life. This conclusion was obtained after the detailed survey with 163 married couples and their friends. The researchers took

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