Documents Required for a UK [United Kingdom] ILR – Indefinite Leave to Remain

Welcome back to my blog! It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m excited to be back and share my thoughts and insights with you again. I’ve been away for a little while, but during that time, I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction I want to take this blog, and I have some exciting information that I can’t wait to share with you. It’s great to be back in the swing of things, and I’m looking

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My take on avoiding Ven Pongal (Indian Dish)

Pongal Receipe Kokula Krishna Hari K

The Slow Poison, Ven Pongal or Kara Pongal is one of the primitive South Indian food. It is prepared with rice & moong dal, either to a sweet or savoury dish. Ven Pongal or Khara Pongal is the name given to the savoury version. It is offered to the GODS or diety as naivedyam not only in South Indian homes but also in temples, during regular pooja, auspicious days & festivals. Both versions of Pongal are offered to Goddess Durga

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Conversation with future Spouse – 30 Areas – 300+ Questions

Conversation with Future Spouse by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran Kae Kae

Way back in 2016, I was writing about the list of questions which needs to be asked to a Future Spouse before freezing our lives full of commitments and others. I was quite very busy at that time but did very good drafting at those times which had been a bible for most of my batchmates and colleagues while choosing their better halves. Most of them appreciated for my work, while a few scolded me for advising and not practising.

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Wifeogram – Millennial Strategies replacing the traditional Telegram in naive Relationships

KK Hari about Family Relationships

Wifeogram, this term may sound unique or exciting for many men and especially for the Asian people. And, even I was in the same mirage until I experienced the same in Europe too, which replaces both my conditions “Asians” and “Millennial” in the relationships. In ancient days, the TelEx technologies were used for the telegraphy in 400 BC during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Later the codes became texts, and electronic telegraphy came into existence, and many

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The Banking “M-Word” & CCD VGS Ending

These days people communicate a lot and lot which we couldn’t even imagine the extent of the conversation. The “M Word” is one of the very important conversations which we need to speak about and most of the people including the major subset of couples don’t discuss on this part. The recent ending of the Cafe Coffee Day founder VG Sidhartha is also into the loop with this if we read his adieu note to the BoD of CCD. Even

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Graduation Speech / Guest Vietnam & Maldives

Good Morning Everyone! It is an immense pleasure in being here on the invitation of Prof. Tao. This morning is very special one for me as I was blessed to smell the air of 3 countries in hours, and obviously the controlled air in 1 country. Everyone gets a degree, what makes you proud and captivated is the question of the hour. All that is required at the end of this proogramme which is never mentioned in the curriculum is

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