Documents Required for a UK [United Kingdom] ILR – Indefinite Leave to Remain

Welcome back to my blog! It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m excited to be back and share my thoughts and insights with you again. I’ve been away for a little while, but during that time, I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction I want to take this blog, and I have some exciting information that I can’t wait to share with you. It’s great to be back in the swing of things, and I’m looking

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15 Things Credit Card companies knew about YOU!

Recently, I have been very busy with my Professional Life and was missing to write in my blog. I visited Canada a few days ago and saw lots of promotions for the so-called MASTERCARD, Credit Card, and others. Even as a visitor(present status), I secured a Mastercard for C$12,000, which is a considerable amount. I was wondering WHY and WHY? How you wield that little piece of plastic can reveal how well you care for your home, the state of

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German Shepherd Love – Adorable bonding

German Shepherds are mostly known for their intelligence, courage, and agility. However, most GSD parents will attest to the fact that they’re incredibly affectionate. My GSD, Turbo, isn’t any exception for this. Here is a video of when I recently visited my India Home, Puducherry(formerly Pondicherry). If they could speak, they’d probably tell you they love you and appreciate you a thousand times a day. But since they can’t verbalize their feelings, they show their affection in multiple non-verbal ways.

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Conversation with future Spouse – 30 Areas – 300+ Questions

Conversation with Future Spouse by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran Kae Kae

Way back in 2016, I was writing about the list of questions which needs to be asked to a Future Spouse before freezing our lives full of commitments and others. I was quite very busy at that time but did very good drafting at those times which had been a bible for most of my batchmates and colleagues while choosing their better halves. Most of them appreciated for my work, while a few scolded me for advising and not practising.

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Job Recommendation – Risky Business of Reputation

In our life, we would have crossed the situation where we would have sought a Job Recommendation or Referred someone for some job either in our same office or through our Network. Earlier, it was awesome stuff and we would have carried a Pride of being an ambassador of our organisation or company. Alike everyone I too was in the same bowl of floating cotton until recently. Mostly I use to refuse to Recommend or Refer anyone, which might be

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Indian Diplomacy – The Art of Protocol

Diplomacy is carried out by a Diplomat, and a Diplomat is a one who exhibits Diplomacy! Sounds crazy? Yes, we are such! Diplomats aren’t intelligent people, but they are a step ahead of Intellectuals and Smarts. The inspiration comes from various sources, for me, it was from Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a French Diplomat. Ok, how does it feel when you are being addressed as a Diplomat. Initially, I didn’t admit to being addressed as Diplomat because I strongly believed

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Appointments Etiquette – Being Adult

With almost a month of long haul, I am glad to write again. Being a responsible adult is always an important task, and one of the most important ingredients of it is the “Appointments”. There is an etiquette for making and keeping very critical appointments, and most of us miss it. Valuing Time: The value of time becomes more precious as we get busier in life, so when you schedule an appointment with anyone, you need to see it as

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Commitment is not just a Word, it is an Act

In the present world, we see many people miss the conduct code by skipping the term “Commitment” assuming it as a word. In reality, it is an act. And this act needs loads of consistent behaviour, and it happens over some time. A strong commitment exhibits an executive leadership skills of an individual through their behavioural consistency. It took me years to understand the difference between Interest and Commitment. In nut-shell, commitment is a connection between our values, intentions and

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Secret of Success is whom You Marry / Stay Friends

There is an untold story about the Secret of Success is whom you Marry / stay Friends! Now, the story is proved by Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Whether we realize it or not, these people influence your entire thoughts and empower your strength visibly and invisibly. People with more supportive partners (spouse or friends) tend to take more challenging decisions in their life. This conclusion was obtained after the detailed survey with 163 married couples and their friends. The researchers took

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Bromance over Romance – Privileging the Bromance – A study & Examples

Young men get more emotional satisfaction out of “bromances”—close, heterosexual friendships with other males—than they do out of romantic relationships with women, according to a small new study published in Men and Masculinities. This study along with a few examples in the reality exemplifies that men need more bromance than romance. Bromances can be important to heterosexual men, and can, in fact, be even more valued than romances. We all have one or two close friendships with whom we share more intimate things without borders

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