50 Ways to Tell You’re From London Without Telling You’re From London

London is an International place where we need to adopt new learning. Ah yes, London is a whole world in itself. Just like everyone learns certain things once they move to London, there are some things that only people living in London will truly understand. I have compiled a few of the important things which one can say while you are in London, United Kingdom to sound like a perfect British guy.

London Rules and Regulations Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran

  1. Are you OK/alright?
  2. It’s a f**king weather always! Grab your brolly, it may rain anytime.
  3. Mind the Gap!
  4. Which Zone are you living in?
  5. Running for the train even if the next is in 2 minutes.
  6. See it, Say it, Sort it!
  7. Tired of being Tired? Floradix
  8. Changing at Bank Station.
  9. £15 for a cocktail is reasonable.
  10. I walk faster than I run.
  11. Tower Bridge is not the London Bridge.
  12. Refusing to go South/North of the river.
  13. Stand on the Right.
  14. Innit?
  15. My home rent is 75% of my salary.
  16. Oyster/Contactless card before reaching the ticket machine.
  17. Checking weather 4 to 5 times every day.
  18. Living and Breathing is with Citymapper.
  19. I know how to pronounce Maidavale, Holborn, Marylebone, Plaistow and Ruislip.
  20. It’s only 21 degrees and people look like baked lobsters.
  21. Your account balance is £1.32.
  22. Glaring furiously at people standing on the wrong side of the escalators, but not saying anything.
  23. Hoping the text sends when the train is stationary.
  24. I’ve never spoken to my neighbours although I’ve lived in the same place for almost 5 years.
  25. I’m always trying to go to sold-out exhibitions.

Londoners Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekarna

  1. I stand on the right and walk on the left.
  2. It’s midnight, let’s get some food!
  3. Your face is being squashed into someone’s armpit on the Tube after a 12-hour shift.
  4. Saying “know what I mean” at the end of every sentence… know what I mean?
  5. I think spending £20 whenever you leave the house is normal.
  6. I don’t know what’s higher, the pollen count or rent prices.
  7. I keep rolling my eyes while hatefully judging tourists queueing at the Tube gates.
  8. I hate people!
  9. I know where to stand on the platform to be right by the door.
  10. I am independent of myself and needs no support from anyone for doing daily chores.
  11. Groans at a 4-minute wait for anything.
  12. Always saying sorry when it wasn’t your fault.
  13. People from at least 50 different nations on one train.
  14. Sleeping on the Northern line and waking up at Morden.
  15. Good service on all other lines!
  16. Sometimes it’s faster to walk than to get a bus.
  17. Who wants tea?
  18. Joining home for a drink?
  19. Never push the open buttons on the Tube doors!
  20. Oops, I forgot my umbrella at home!
  21. Fish and Chips!
  22. I outwards despise but secretly love where I live!
  23. My usual meal in a restaurant costs £40.
  24. Headphone ON in the Tube is the most common.
  25. Pick a free newspaper in the Tube/Bus while boarding.

There could be more extensive in this list, limiting for the most common ones. Will see you back shortly

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship.

Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations.

More information about KK at www.kokulakrishnaharik.in

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