Moving Country is Challenging & Turns out to be the Best of Better Decisions – Moved to London, United Kingdom

If any amendments are required, please write to prm @ or DM at Facebook Introduction Before furthering, this post may be interesting only for the people who love travelling or who moved across the borders. Potentially this could be a very long multipage post. Since 2008, I have constantly been crossing borders of India vigorously for various purposes. In the year 2019, I have been locked down clearly at a fixed location and was forced to move out of

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Attachment & Detachment – Being Adult

Attachment is clinging to anything you believes is needed for your survival and pleasure. Attachment is the source of all our pleasures now. We are attached to our friends, to our relatives; we are attached to our intellectual and spiritual works; we are attached to external objects so that we get pleasure from them. What, again, brings misery but this very attachment? We have to detach ourselves to earn joy. If only we had the power to detach ourselves at will,

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Graduation Speech / Guest Vietnam & Maldives

Good Morning Everyone! It is an immense pleasure in being here on the invitation of Prof. Tao. This morning is very special one for me as I was blessed to smell the air of 3 countries in hours, and obviously the controlled air in 1 country. Everyone gets a degree, what makes you proud and captivated is the question of the hour. All that is required at the end of this proogramme which is never mentioned in the curriculum is

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