Anniversary of my First Ruined Personal Trip

I am glad to meet you all through my blog after a long gap, which I am highly aware of. Last two months had been quite a draining month being busy with moving house and Brexit discussions. Yet, both of them were highly a roller caster and equally competent with each other. I will come up with a separate post about the same later. Today (25th December) was a historic date of my life where I started a worst-ever personal

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Graduation Speech / Guest Vietnam & Maldives

Good Morning Everyone! It is an immense pleasure in being here on the invitation of Prof. Tao. This morning is very special one for me as I was blessed to smell the air of 3 countries in hours, and obviously the controlled air in 1 country. Everyone gets a degree, what makes you proud and captivated is the question of the hour. All that is required at the end of this proogramme which is never mentioned in the curriculum is

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