Anniversary of my First Ruined Personal Trip

I am glad to meet you all through my blog after a long gap, which I am highly aware of. Last two months had been quite a draining month being busy with moving house and Brexit discussions. Yet, both of them were highly a roller caster and equally competent with each other. I will come up with a separate post about the same later. Today (25th December) was a historic date of my life where I started a worst-ever personal

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The Banking “M-Word” & CCD VGS Ending

These days people communicate a lot and lot which we couldn’t even imagine the extent of the conversation. The “M Word” is one of the very important conversations which we need to speak about and most of the people including the major subset of couples don’t discuss on this part. The recent ending of the Cafe Coffee Day founder VG Sidhartha is also into the loop with this if we read his adieu note to the BoD of CCD. Even

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Birthday Celebrations – Being Adult

Celebrating one’s birthday is a unique event that’s meant to be shared with loved ones. Birthdays are just like seasons, most of them welcome with open arms, and others may take a little warming up to. But to mark a milestone, we should be doing something with favourite people in one room to reminisce about the past year and coming year. A typical birthday party for an adult consists of family and friends and usually involves a cake, birthday card,

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Characteristics of a Drunk / IP

Disclaimer: I am a non-drinker! Drinking alcohol with close ones is more important for the self-evaluation. Without addiction, a normal occasional drinking is perfectly fine. Even during those times, it is recommended for a perfect brand without adulteration. I thought of writing all my experiences of being with Drunk and Intoxicated and Intimate Persons. In the United Kingdom and the United States, we use to address them as VIP on first vision. VIP claims to the abbreviation of identification of

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Shouldering a Girl for Half-a-Journey to the United Kingdom

Every Journey in my life counts and my very recent Journey to the United Kingdom was really more impressive and soul-satisfying. Stop Judging me with the above statement. This is my 100th post and if you didn’t get me till now, a hard regret for your understanding ability. After a very long-time in-service, I happened to fly in Jet Airways from New Delhi, India to London, United Kingdom. It was a quite long travel for around 9 hours and 10

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Average Indian Life

Indians Life are very interesting. Starting from pushing to choose friends to writing will, nothing happens on their own. Here is a compilation which says about the Average Indian Life. Just born, receives a slap on the butt. Injections and vaccinations. Rubs shit on the body, stinks. Sleeps between parents, ruins their sex life. Thrown into pre-nursery school at the age of 2 years. School interviews, admission. Has to carry the load of a bag like a donkey. Exams, insults,

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New H1B Bill – USA Entry Game

Recent days, I am quite engaged with various activities around the world and the time allocated is thinning day by day! The recent H1B Bill “High-Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act of 2017“ introduced in the house by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, have been blown out of proportion and creating confusion and anxiety in many current and prospective H1B visa holders. Due to the same timing of both of the executive order and H1B bill news, they are combined and facts are

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Beer – Men’s Anti-Stress Medicine

Smoking Causes Cancer and Drinking is injurious to Regular Health and Sexual Life I am back after almost a month’s time. There is no harm in the disclaimer statement above, because it has been clinically proved. I could smell people crazily guessing about my absence and this blog post. To clarify intensively, I am not a drunkard. There was a very interesting discussion about drinking beer between me and one of my socially drinking best friend. He was giving various

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