Indian Diplomacy – The Art of Protocol

Diplomacy is carried out by a Diplomat, and a Diplomat is a one who exhibits Diplomacy! Sounds crazy? Yes, we are such! Diplomats aren’t intelligent people, but they are a step ahead of Intellectuals and Smarts. The inspiration comes from various sources, for me, it was from Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a French Diplomat. Ok, how does it feel when you are being addressed as a Diplomat. Initially, I didn’t admit to being addressed as Diplomat because I strongly believed

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Birthday Celebrations – Being Adult

Celebrating one’s birthday is a unique event that’s meant to be shared with loved ones. Birthdays are just like seasons, most of them welcome with open arms, and others may take a little warming up to. But to mark a milestone, we should be doing something with favourite people in one room to reminisce about the past year and coming year. A typical birthday party for an adult consists of family and friends and usually involves a cake, birthday card,

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Appointments Etiquette – Being Adult

With almost a month of long haul, I am glad to write again. Being a responsible adult is always an important task, and one of the most important ingredients of it is the “Appointments”. There is an etiquette for making and keeping very critical appointments, and most of us miss it. Valuing Time: The value of time becomes more precious as we get busier in life, so when you schedule an appointment with anyone, you need to see it as

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Hypermobility – Sick & Sad darker side of a Traveler

When people meet me, they ask me this redundant question about travel and most of them express their jealousness on hearing my hypermobility. Elite forms of movement, such as for business, holidays or diplomatic journeys, are largely shown in a positive light in contemporary societies. Although there is unevenness in the portrayal of corporeal mobilities with growing fear over epidemiological threats facilitated through global mobility, negative representations of flight from poverty and persecution and the problematizing of irregular migration, mobility

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Commitment is not just a Word, it is an Act

In the present world, we see many people miss the conduct code by skipping the term “Commitment” assuming it as a word. In reality, it is an act. And this act needs loads of consistent behaviour, and it happens over some time. A strong commitment exhibits an executive leadership skills of an individual through their behavioural consistency. It took me years to understand the difference between Interest and Commitment. In nut-shell, commitment is a connection between our values, intentions and

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Secret of Success is whom You Marry / Stay Friends

There is an untold story about the Secret of Success is whom you Marry / stay Friends! Now, the story is proved by Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Whether we realize it or not, these people influence your entire thoughts and empower your strength visibly and invisibly. People with more supportive partners (spouse or friends) tend to take more challenging decisions in their life. This conclusion was obtained after the detailed survey with 163 married couples and their friends. The researchers took

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Characteristics of a Drunk / IP

Disclaimer: I am a non-drinker! Drinking alcohol with close ones is more important for the self-evaluation. Without addiction, a normal occasional drinking is perfectly fine. Even during those times, it is recommended for a perfect brand without adulteration. I thought of writing all my experiences of being with Drunk and Intoxicated and Intimate Persons. In the United Kingdom and the United States, we use to address them as VIP on first vision. VIP claims to the abbreviation of identification of

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Shouldering a Girl for Half-a-Journey to the United Kingdom

Every Journey in my life counts and my very recent Journey to the United Kingdom was really more impressive and soul-satisfying. Stop Judging me with the above statement. This is my 100th post and if you didn’t get me till now, a hard regret for your understanding ability. After a very long-time in-service, I happened to fly in Jet Airways from New Delhi, India to London, United Kingdom. It was a quite long travel for around 9 hours and 10

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Adult friendships are more Responsible & Choosing them Wiser is more Important

Have you ever wondered if you have very less number of friends in adulthood than your school or college days? Adult friendships are more responsible in nature and choosing them wisely is important according to me. Don’t have more than 10 in number. Than coining them as friends, they should be like your formed family. What a lot of people don’t appear to understand is that the single easiest way to make friends is to show up when it matters —

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Keystones on Intimidating Personality

People possessing this type of personality are absolute love for me! No matter blanketing their gender, there will a free hug from me 🙂 Transparent Enough: The one who is strong in the decision and ability to communicate it with the fullest level of transparency is a need for me. I have seen people getting behind me and speaking. I don’t know what they speak and don’t bother about them. But if you want things to be flat, speak infront

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