Average Indian Life

Indians Life are very interesting. Starting from pushing to choose friends to writing will, nothing happens on their own. Here is a compilation which says about the Average Indian Life. Just born, receives a slap on the butt. Injections and vaccinations. Rubs shit on the body, stinks. Sleeps between parents, ruins their sex life. Thrown into pre-nursery school at the age of 2 years. School interviews, admission. Has to carry the load of a bag like a donkey. Exams, insults,

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Visa on Arrival for Indians in 5 minutes

Indian passport holders with a valid American visa or a Green Card will now be eligible to obtain a UAE visa on arrival, as per the decree approved by the UAE Cabinet. The decision to have a simplified visa process is aimed at advancing the UAE-India relations in economic, politics, and trade. It also contributes to achieving UAE’s vision to be the leading country in attracting global tourism. The visa will be valid for 14 days, with a single extension possible for

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New H1B Bill – USA Entry Game

Recent days, I am quite engaged with various activities around the world and the time allocated is thinning day by day! The recent H1B Bill “High-Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act of 2017“ introduced in the house by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, have been blown out of proportion and creating confusion and anxiety in many current and prospective H1B visa holders. Due to the same timing of both of the executive order and H1B bill news, they are combined and facts are

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Smart Intellectual Kid – A new Perspective Dimension

While I was engaged with one of the World’s Toughest man for a program and I just begun my last travel with him for that specific visit. It was almost 3 days I had been with him day and night. Quite reserved in the conversations, but am being an ambivert, I started the conversation and it went on well than what I actually imagined about. Moving something personal, that gentleman said, “KK, you aren’t having any Good Friends or a Girl Friend

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3 Years of Policy Making & Strategy Execution Expertise comes to an end

It has been more than 60 days from my last post, I was thinking to write about various things, but the transition from one position to another is always the complicated one as everyone is aware of. And that too imagine an execution level people transitioning in the Governmental or Non-Governmental is really such painful and a time-consuming one. And the title of the post almost quotes the end point of my cycle at the high-level office. It doesn’t mean

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Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej a Wonderful Journey

Some of you may have heard about the most tragic news in our lifetime for all Thai people, the death of our beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej who passed away yesterday at the age of 89 and during the 70th year of his reign. Then, you may notice that not only all your Thai friends have changed their FB profile pictures and covers all into black to mourn our beloved King but you may notice also through several news sources about

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Conversation with future Spouse – Part 5/28 – Charity

Charity is one of the most competent stuff where a couple needs to discuss for having a sustainable Financials throughout their lives. How important is it to you to contribute time or money to charity? Which kind of charities do you like to support? How much of your annual income do you donate to charity? Do you feel that it is the responsibility of the haves of the world to help the have-nots? Have attitudes about charitable contributions ever been

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Conversation with future Spouse – Part 4/28 – Pets

Asking your spouse about the Pet Preference could be one of the eye-openers for an individual trying to converse. Yes, some are bit fearful, some hate them, some love them and even some try to get legal status for their pets in their family. Are you an animal lover? Do you believe a person should give up his or her pet if it interferes with the relationship? Do you consider pets members of your family? Do you have a dog,

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Conversation with future Spouse – Part 2/28 – Friends Network

Here comes my Part 2 of the art of conversation with your future spouse. Some questions which would be highly interesting for them to answer are here as follows regarding to their friends and their network. Are your friendships as important to you as your life partner is? Do you have a best friend(s)? Do you have a difficult time setting limits with friends? Do you see a close friend or friends at least once a week? Do you speak

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Seasoning MBA Application @ US – Part 4 – Employability and Finance Post MBA

MBA is a life changing option, I learnt in the due course of time. Yes, entering into the part 4, the last part of my Admissions Race. I have now got admitted into a top B-School though I am not sure if I will accept that offer. It is a very big investment for a normal person from Asia or other developing countries where the average salary is less than 2000 USD per month. Good Schools will get you good offers,

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