15 Things Credit Card companies knew about YOU!

Recently, I have been very busy with my Professional Life and was missing to write in my blog. I visited Canada a few days ago and saw lots of promotions for the so-called MASTERCARD, Credit Card, and others. Even as a visitor(present status), I secured a Mastercard for C$12,000, which is a considerable amount. I was wondering WHY and WHY? How you wield that little piece of plastic can reveal how well you care for your home, the state of

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Indians need to survive 2 types of Moratorium Fraud in COVID2019 Difficult Times

In India, buying a home has become a Social Status for many. They don’t estimate their affordability in most of the cases which I had known. This makes them incompatible to pay their dues when a hardship situation arises. We would have funnily seen the memes which say “If you don’t love your job, take a Home Loan, you will love your job!”. Some people only for the reason of showing off, get the fancy loans and end up in

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