Indians need to survive 2 types of Moratorium Fraud in COVID2019 Difficult Times

In India, buying a home has become a Social Status for many. They don’t estimate their affordability in most of the cases which I had known. This makes them incompatible to pay their dues when a hardship situation arises. We would have funnily seen the memes which say “If you don’t love your job, take a Home Loan, you will love your job!”. Some people only for the reason of showing off, get the fancy loans and end up in

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Visit to Chennai Besant Nagar Beach – Offshore Onshore

Bay of Bengal, known as the largest bay of the world forming  a triangular shape touching the borders of India, Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. I happened to meet it out yesterday after a long time in a casual move without any action plan for almost 30 minutes. When I was a kid in school my mom and dad use to take me to Beach located in Pondicherry, it was a divine at that time. After spending few hours, we use

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