Intelligent people with OCD are miserable

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Kokula Krishna Hari K

Intelligent people with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) lead a very strange life. If you think you are highly intelligent and have symptoms of OCD it will be a huge handicap throughout the entire course of life. If you don’t have such things but see someone with such symptoms, don’t ignore them. It may sound a bit counterintuitive, but be assured that the experience would be the best. No matter how intelligent the person is, they are still a human being and

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Job Recommendation – Risky Business of Reputation

In our life, we would have crossed the situation where we would have sought a Job Recommendation or Referred someone for some job either in our same office or through our Network. Earlier, it was awesome stuff and we would have carried a Pride of being an ambassador of our organisation or company. Alike everyone I too was in the same bowl of floating cotton until recently. Mostly I use to refuse to Recommend or Refer anyone, which might be

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Anniversary of my First Ruined Personal Trip

I am glad to meet you all through my blog after a long gap, which I am highly aware of. Last two months had been quite a draining month being busy with moving house and Brexit discussions. Yet, both of them were highly a roller caster and equally competent with each other. I will come up with a separate post about the same later. Today (25th December) was a historic date of my life where I started a worst-ever personal

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Wifeogram – Millennial Strategies replacing the traditional Telegram in naive Relationships

KK Hari about Family Relationships

Wifeogram, this term may sound unique or exciting for many men and especially for the Asian people. And, even I was in the same mirage until I experienced the same in Europe too, which replaces both my conditions “Asians” and “Millennial” in the relationships. In ancient days, the TelEx technologies were used for the telegraphy in 400 BC during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Later the codes became texts, and electronic telegraphy came into existence, and many

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The Banking “M-Word” & CCD VGS Ending

These days people communicate a lot and lot which we couldn’t even imagine the extent of the conversation. The “M Word” is one of the very important conversations which we need to speak about and most of the people including the major subset of couples don’t discuss on this part. The recent ending of the Cafe Coffee Day founder VG Sidhartha is also into the loop with this if we read his adieu note to the BoD of CCD. Even

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San Francisco & Los Angeles, California – 18th State Visit of the United States of America

San Francisco, my visit to 18th State of the United States of America was one of the most important ones and had an extraordinary impact than other state visits, be it personal, official or diplomatic. SF in California was into my bucket list for a long time for various reasons. But never had an option to visit due to my complicated and congested schedules. After becoming Student, I had a surplus of time to explore cities. I had a Public

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Indian Diplomacy – The Art of Protocol

Diplomacy is carried out by a Diplomat, and a Diplomat is a one who exhibits Diplomacy! Sounds crazy? Yes, we are such! Diplomats aren’t intelligent people, but they are a step ahead of Intellectuals and Smarts. The inspiration comes from various sources, for me, it was from Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a French Diplomat. Ok, how does it feel when you are being addressed as a Diplomat. Initially, I didn’t admit to being addressed as Diplomat because I strongly believed

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Attachment & Detachment – Being Adult

Attachment is clinging to anything you believes is needed for your survival and pleasure. Attachment is the source of all our pleasures now. We are attached to our friends, to our relatives; we are attached to our intellectual and spiritual works; we are attached to external objects so that we get pleasure from them. What, again, brings misery but this very attachment? We have to detach ourselves to earn joy. If only we had the power to detach ourselves at will,

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Birthday Celebrations – Being Adult

Celebrating one’s birthday is a unique event that’s meant to be shared with loved ones. Birthdays are just like seasons, most of them welcome with open arms, and others may take a little warming up to. But to mark a milestone, we should be doing something with favourite people in one room to reminisce about the past year and coming year. A typical birthday party for an adult consists of family and friends and usually involves a cake, birthday card,

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Appointments Etiquette – Being Adult

With almost a month of long haul, I am glad to write again. Being a responsible adult is always an important task, and one of the most important ingredients of it is the “Appointments”. There is an etiquette for making and keeping very critical appointments, and most of us miss it. Valuing Time: The value of time becomes more precious as we get busier in life, so when you schedule an appointment with anyone, you need to see it as

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