APJ Abdul Kalam – A tribute

APJ Abdul Kalam (Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam) was a man of simplicity without any political interference. Recently passed away carrying the minds and hearts of many people. The psychology says that when we lose a person in the life, no one can immediately react by crying or roll on the floor for missing them. It will surely take minimum 36 hours to realize that we are going to miss them forever. Happened to meet him few times at various

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“You have a Baby Boy” – Touching Accident Incident

Happening of accident in India has become too usual and common stuff. To coin in a different version, “It is as usual as charging a mobile phone”. But only when it happens in our family or our associate, the pain comes up bulged. After having a long trip to Thiruchengode, Coimbatore, Salem I was driving my car back to home all alone since the driver was given with some leave. And I love driving the car all alone or with highly

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Visit to Chennai Besant Nagar Beach – Offshore Onshore

Bay of Bengal, known as the largest bay of the world forming  a triangular shape touching the borders of India, Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. I happened to meet it out yesterday after a long time in a casual move without any action plan for almost 30 minutes. When I was a kid in school my mom and dad use to take me to Beach located in Pondicherry, it was a divine at that time. After spending few hours, we use

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1 or 2 | 30 or 40 – Selection of Friends – Importance / Curse of Life

Yes, seeing the heading I am sure that out of my 4000+ Friends in Facebook, few may unfriend me. That’s OK! Even I find it very difficult to remove them. Because judging amongst the best or 1st circle or 2nd circle or nth circle is difficult. In my Facebook before few minutes I saw 4199 friends into my list. Am happy about seeing the count, but actually how many are close enough to me? Do they know atleast something or

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Chennai City Traffic Cop won me by Getting INR 10 as bribe

On last Saturday, I was quite busy with some official work at Chennai and suddenly got the email from ICICI Bank offering me some coupon to watch movie in Chennai. So immediately went online and booked a movie at Phoenix Market City. Since I was at Madhya Kailash, took a left crossing Raj Bhavan to reach Phoenix mall. While coming around Velacherry bye pass road, I was bit confused and tried to peep out of the car to see if

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Tiger’s Prey at New Delhi! How would it have been for tasting Human Blood?

“I wont take care of Myself,Government should take care of me” Lets look into Delhi Zoo Incident.. 1. White Tiger enclosure has three layer Protection . 2. First Understand the basics of Safety.Safety measures are taken to avoid Accidents not deliberate Incidents. 3. Tiger didn’t invade the Victim’s territory,Victim only intruded Tiger’s only territory. 4. Tiger didn’t hunt or attack the Victim even though Victim was in Tiger’s territory. 5. Tiger was only examining the Victim, for the Tiger Victim

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Indeterminable Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Part 1 of 2

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s Central Banking Institution, which controls the Monetary Policy of the Indian Rupee and other banks operating within India. Sometimes, RBI is well known for its stupidest decisions. Last December (2013), under the heading of the new Governor, there was a decision for increase in security by inputting the PIN at POS for transactions. Upto me this is one of the wrong decision take by RBI. A latest statistics quotes that the Debit

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What Indian Colleges failed to teach Students? P3

In the continuation to my older posts : P1, P2 The mentality of each and every parent is that their ward needs to earn a minimum of 500 USD every month post their education. But there are many factors which the parents fail to understand. All the education will not give such salary in India. Before that its the student’s and college responsibility to explain their parents and their investors respectively about the process of getting a job. Here both

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HFFD & HPFD – Friendship Days Classification

Yesterday August 3, 2014 many of my fellows sent across a text saying “Happy Friendship Day” through Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook. I love seeing their messages as it could be a some script or CPW (Copy Paste Work), it is reciprocated. The deadly question is that the without meaning, why the hell people are sending scraps. Case 1: Those who personally don’t know me are sending “HFD”, when I reply for those idiotic messages saying thanks and inquiring about them,

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Lonely Business Man @ Bangkok

I had an appointment with a Business Tycoon at Bangkok this day morning. He had invited me to the tennis court as he would be occupied in playing tennis in the morning hours. So, I scheduled my calendar accordingly and went to meet him. To my surprise, I realized that he was playing alone in the court and on the opposite side there were almost 200+ tennis balls. Aside there was a basket which was containing the around some 50

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