Moving Country is Challenging & Turns out to be the Best of Better Decisions – Moved to London, United Kingdom

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The primary key player in the process of buying a home in the UK is choosing the conveyancing solicitors. Ah, I was utterly exhausted in this segment. No one mentioned that it could be such tiring. My energy was drained like something of burning a jet fuel throttling 3000 gallons of fuel per hour.

In India, we have the so-called solicitors or the lawyers who do assist in the property registration. I have worked with many of them for my friends and colleagues who just do an overview, and nod their heads up for proceeding the document registration with the Registrar or the Sub-registrar. If we pay more to them, they will usually advise us to change the alignment of giving some 3 or 4 suggestions to be amended in the document.

On the other hand, in the United Kingdom, I experienced a very value for money process. My conveyancing solicitors were Gordons Property Lawyers, Maidenhead. These were suggested by LLOYDS Bank as their favourite and highly rated conveyancing solicitors of their pool. Since I didn’t have a big idea about this at the time, I went with the Bank’s choice. I instructed them to handle my case on July 22. During the telephonic calls and the LLOYDS Conveyancing portal mentioned that the conveyancing would be completed in 6 weeks. With a mirage, that the completion will be at the end of August 2019, I went to India after paying the necessary fees and send the KYC and AML documents to them. When I was in India, I was constantly tracking what was going on, but things didn’t move as expected.

Initial Days, there was really the highest level of sluggish move on my file. I felt they should have learnt the parallel processing. For example, for performing ID check, they were waiting for the contract documents where both are no way connected. After getting the contract documents, they took over 12 days for initiating the property search.

And similarly, it went until October, and I was promised many deadlines which were never achieved, and I wrote a strong email planning to discard the entire process by rolling back the decision. This process was having volatile dates in their dashboard and was kept changing every day, which was literally irritating me to the core. I was paying so much for B&B hotel, food, transport and others.

Milestone Tracker of my Conveyancing Kokula Krishna Hari K
Milestone Tracker of my Conveyancing

Based on those said deadlines, I ordered various stuff for my home, and most of them got delivered. I took storage and started dumping it. The landlord (previous owner) was really cool and helpful. They offered me the property for rent so that I can set up things and save the storage space. Things started working out, and I started doing some maintenance on the property by changing the window glass, fixing small holes and others.

At a point, my solicitors speeded up, and the seller’s solicitors started dodging things. I was constantly talking with the seller directly, they were kind enough to push their solicitors. God, it was much of fun loaded in the conversations, and I felt really childish at some point. It was like a seesaw game. The highlight is that when we both were pushing our solicitors, they went on vacation. That was another incident in this. I really chased them like a criminal under a serious charge which I never did earlier in my life.

Finally, all completed on 23rd December with enormous pressure from both me and seller in view of completing in 2019 and not dragging to 2020.


Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship.

Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations.

More information about KK at

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