Conversation with future Spouse – 30 Areas – 300+ Questions

Conversation with Future Spouse by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran Kae Kae

Way back in 2016, I was writing about the list of questions which needs to be asked to a Future Spouse before freezing our lives full of commitments and others. I was quite very busy at that time but did very good drafting at those times which had been a bible for most of my batchmates and colleagues while choosing their better halves. Most of them appreciated for my work, while a few scolded me for advising and not practising.

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Characteristics of a Drunk / IP

Disclaimer: I am a non-drinker! Drinking alcohol with close ones is more important for the self-evaluation. Without addiction, a normal occasional drinking is perfectly fine. Even during those times, it is recommended for a perfect brand without adulteration. I thought of writing all my experiences of being with Drunk and Intoxicated and Intimate Persons. In the United Kingdom and the United States, we use to address them as VIP on first vision. VIP claims to the abbreviation of identification of

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Women – A most respected Creature – Thoughts for Men

“Sex is sweet but there is poison in between the legs”  Most downfalls of men are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends. Sex is a spiritual encounter I stand to be corrected, not every girl has a good spirit, some are a demon, some has poison in between their legs. Some are killers and destiny destroyers, be careful. Worst is a man who can’t control his sexual urge. A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live

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