People Expect Big Always

The people in the world including me expect everything to happen in a BIGGER manner and beyond the expectations. Yet still, even after achieving it we aren’t happy. This is a clear defined psychological disorder in my perspective. In India, initially there was a guy who was drawing USD 100 a month; he expected to add a “0” at the last of the salary figure. He worked too hard and added as he wished. Now, he was drawing USD 1000

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1 or 2 | 30 or 40 – Selection of Friends – Importance / Curse of Life

Yes, seeing the heading I am sure that out of my 4000+ Friends in Facebook, few may unfriend me. That’s OK! Even I find it very difficult to remove them. Because judging amongst the best or 1st circle or 2nd circle or nth circle is difficult. In my Facebook before few minutes I saw 4199 friends into my list. Am happy about seeing the count, but actually how many are close enough to me? Do they know atleast something or

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Chennai City Traffic Cop won me by Getting INR 10 as bribe

On last Saturday, I was quite busy with some official work at Chennai and suddenly got the email from ICICI Bank offering me some coupon to watch movie in Chennai. So immediately went online and booked a movie at Phoenix Market City. Since I was at Madhya Kailash, took a left crossing Raj Bhavan to reach Phoenix mall. While coming around Velacherry bye pass road, I was bit confused and tried to peep out of the car to see if

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Indeterminable Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Part 2 of 2

In the continuation to the previous post portraying the ill effects of the Reserve Bank of India, here flows the second and final post. Already got many calls from top notch people for writing about RBI and will ensure that there are no bad remarks. Over 5 ATM Transactions Chargeable You would have heard this statements if you live in the metro cities. Yes, there has been an amendment with the Code of Banking Conducts to charge a customer who

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Indeterminable Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Part 1 of 2

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s Central Banking Institution, which controls the Monetary Policy of the Indian Rupee and other banks operating within India. Sometimes, RBI is well known for its stupidest decisions. Last December (2013), under the heading of the new Governor, there was a decision for increase in security by inputting the PIN at POS for transactions. Upto me this is one of the wrong decision take by RBI. A latest statistics quotes that the Debit

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Lonely Business Man @ Bangkok

I had an appointment with a Business Tycoon at Bangkok this day morning. He had invited me to the tennis court as he would be occupied in playing tennis in the morning hours. So, I scheduled my calendar accordingly and went to meet him. To my surprise, I realized that he was playing alone in the court and on the opposite side there were almost 200+ tennis balls. Aside there was a basket which was containing the around some 50

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Becoming a Billionaire

Hi, Am writing after a long time here. The reason for not being here was, “I was a Billionaire”. The word of being Millionaire or Billionaire is highly a fantasy for many people and even am into that list. Though I have a world which makes me into that category, but I firmly believe that the Organization’s money is not my money. The salary which I have should define of being Millionaire or Billionaire. Thought the asset value goes for

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