3 Years of Policy Making & Strategy Execution Expertise comes to an end

It has been more than 60 days from my last post, I was thinking to write about various things, but the transition from one position to another is always the complicated one as everyone is aware of. And that too imagine an execution level people transitioning in the Governmental or Non-Governmental is really such painful and a time-consuming one. And the title of the post almost quotes the end point of my cycle at the high-level office. It doesn’t mean that I am empty headed now, instead, the platform where I was shining now changes to an another platform.

Yes, I am now successfully a free bird, without spy (hope so…) and can move independently after almost 3 years. Do never visualise about being into the Prisons which is being provided by Government; instead was serving the Government. This 3 year is the best period of my life, I could say in a nutshell. The high-level contacts which range to many Solons, Great Reseach Scientists and Professors across the world. But I have to literally admit that I lost most of my personal contacts in India.

At a point of time, I was like all alone in the Eden garden without even an eve. That gave many numbers of temporary people in my life including a life changing experiences. From being a Global President & CEO of an MNC to the Government made me work more and more beyond the expectations of everyone around me. The impact my calibrations in the office made a vibrant move around the zone and had surgical waveforms among them too, with which I am really happy.

The strong contacts in UN with ITU, WIPO, UNESCO and other InterGovernmental Organizations has also moulded me to a level in achieving the best in the rest of the days left behind. And,

And, to say about my bosses. OMG! A super cool team which expects thighs and breasts in KFC always badly than me. I have seen many numbers of posts, meme and other works against the bosses by my friends through all the mediums. But I didn’t expect that the bosses would be such cool in the reality. They gave me a superb experience throughout my days and even at some junction made me feel that they are better than my parents when they took me to the hospital, airport or while feeding me at their home. Yes, I go for different types of food like south Indian lunch and Punjabi dinner. I am trying to pull the moments when they have been hard to me, but nothing strikes now as there are nothing such.

I never did what they said, but did what they planned!

This was the reason for my success, I think. Yes, I need to regret to some in my life, that I am unable to keep up with them due to at-large commitments and focus changes which widely includes my School Mates, Class Mates, College Mates, Social Media Mates, travel mates and others. A deep apology for those who invited me for their marriages, baby naming ceremony, movies, meetings, speaking engagements and others. I will try to keep intact as much as possible, still, it needs certain inputs, not the protocol instead of the time availability.

There will be no direct posts about my availability in my Facebook or Twitter timeline as I have resolved not to post anything there from September 22, 2015, and am trying to freeze the decision. Many things have changed in the past 3 years, but they aren’t recordable here and I wish to have them private.


Moving aside, the challenges that I faced every day was something very adventurous, unlike other jobs. The strong emotional bonding that still people have for me pulls me back to stay connected with them. On hearing my tenure ending I had people calling me and speaking for almost 4 hours each. That feeling is a bliss and you cannot even imagine about it.

I still wanted to write more, but already possessing worn keys in my keyboard of my laptop due to the last days handing over and others. Will wait for the replacement and will write more.

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at www.kokulakrishnaharik.in

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