Sudden Mosquitoes in my Chamber

Almost for a year there was no mosquitoes in my chamber. I had the All-Out Liquidator and threw it out few days ago since there was no mosquitoes in my Chamber.

All of a sudden today evening there was 2 mosquitoes in my chamber. I reacted highly like a TV Commercial Advertisement mom on seeing them. Though I understood my stupidity, asked my office perks to get a Liquidator.

How daringly these mosquitoes came into my chamber, so left all my work and started chasing it in my 275 Sq. Ft. chamber and killed it.

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship.

Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations.

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