Cheap Researchers are from Korea, China, India, Peru, and Iran

Yes, you may be surprised on hearing the title. It’s highly true. 

Of almost 70 out of 100 research articles submitted by Researchers from Korea, China, India, Peru and Iran have been likely gets rejected because of a term called plagiarism. It is not the wrong at the part of Scholars, but the error on the supervisor who coin themselves as Senior Academicians. If the Supervisor or the “So Called” Senior Academician would have expressed his/her condemn on the act of submission of paper, the student or the scholar would have never submitted such instance. This clearly exhibits the mis-conduct of the learning ethics speculated in the countries like Korea, China, India, Peru, and Iran. 

A recent survey clarifies that 42.34% of the paper submitted globally are plagiarized articles. This is one of the negative effect of the development of technology. Since the articles are available in the Internet and Public Repository, there is a huge demystification of the works. 

And even I have encountered many such cases and even tried to start a mission “Combat Plagiarism”. But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to continue due to non-availability of time. During the quarterly review of the some of the conferences, there use to be some phrases from my committee that there was some email asking for waiver before submitting the paper. 

One of the funny email from a Punjab candidate read out “Hey, I want to participate in your conference by submitting a paper. Actually am doing Ph.D. full time. I and my professor cannot pay the registration fee becoz I am not earning and my Professor has 2 wifes and 3 kids. Let me if you can waive the entire fees. Also do you give student travel grant for me and my professor. It will be good if you can gives us two rooms in your university. Please ensure that we are getting Indian cusine of food, becoz I cannot take Thai food. And let me where the conference will publish the works / articles? In which Journal and which proceedings or library?. Thanks in advance for your email. “

First of all the guy is a non-deserving candidate for performing the Research. See, he could have submitted something like a abstract or an unfinished paper and could have asked for some time. The most funny stuff is that “I am not earning and my Professor has 2 wifes (not wives it seems) and 3 kids”. I was laughing hilariously on seeing this. 

Anyway, these types of people should never ever pursue their career. 

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at

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