What Indian Colleges failed to teach Students? P3

In the continuation to my older posts : P1, P2 The mentality of each and every parent is that their ward needs to earn a minimum of 500 USD every month post their education. But there are many factors which the parents fail to understand. All the education will not give such salary in India. Before that its the student’s and college responsibility to explain their parents and their investors respectively about the process of getting a job. Here both

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Status of a MBA in India

It is highly painful when someone educated stand in the road-side and keep begging. Very similar to that today morning I saw a case and am highly worried how the University encourages these types of activities. After a long time, I was little bit free today sitting in the 3rd Floor leisurely. My dogs were barking strongly, so I happened to check the visitor. Three guys were standing downstairs in a professional manner with a tie, tucked-in shirts and well

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Losing the earphones – A worst Habit

Yes, I coin losing the earphones as a very bad habit which I posses. I use to listen to music whenever time permits. But I never ensure that I restore the earphones in the bag or jacket because of work or some other interests ( 😛 ). Every alternate month, I spend around INR 450 for this earphones. But there is no satisfaction in few earphones which priced less than the said one. By this time, known to me [According

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Mobile on Drive

I was over phone in an important call while crossing Saidapet signal at approx 2 PM. I could know what you connect between the title and the first line. No, I wasn’t driving the car, it was my driver who was driving the car. I saw a girl around 23, probably working in some IT sector. She was wearing a grey color dress and was driving a grey color Honda Activa type of two-wheeler in the hot sun without helmets.

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My Publications Tracks – 2014 – Kokula Krishna Hari K

I generally don’t like sharing my publications. Am not sure about why this attitude has developed within me. It may be because, during my Ph. D. I literally use to beg people for Joint Publication, Share their previous articles, Get access for Premier Proceedings and so on. But I was successful only around 5% – 6% of my total effort. But I got several requests from my close associates to publish my track atleast once in a year which will

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