Best Face-palm Expression

After reading this post, do never trust me that I am person exhibiting the Karma! Since ever my school days, there used to be a jealous among my peer classmates, schoolmates, college mates and colleagues. Though I couldn’t say it right from where this begun, but to my understanding it could be the early higher secondary. As I never merge so easily, it was quite difficult to understand them and get inline. Some developed hatred because of this reason with

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Indeterminable Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Part 2 of 2

In the continuation to the previous post portraying the ill effects of the Reserve Bank of India, here flows the second and final post. Already got many calls from top notch people for writing about RBI and will ensure that there are no bad remarks. Over 5 ATM Transactions Chargeable You would have heard this statements if you live in the metro cities. Yes, there has been an amendment with the Code of Banking Conducts to charge a customer who

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Indeterminable Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Part 1 of 2

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s Central Banking Institution, which controls the Monetary Policy of the Indian Rupee and other banks operating within India. Sometimes, RBI is well known for its stupidest decisions. Last December (2013), under the heading of the new Governor, there was a decision for increase in security by inputting the PIN at POS for transactions. Upto me this is one of the wrong decision take by RBI. A latest statistics quotes that the Debit

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How PayPal swindled my entire wallet?

Almost 90% of the internet users are well aware about the PayPal and 100% of the International Business men are highly aware about the PayPal. But only a very few are aware about the action rendered by PayPal during the settlement. These many days, my office team use to manage the Finance and operations, for an event I was mapped for the PayPal. And, as usual am highly lazy enough to manage it in real-time. I happened to see the

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Status of a MBA in India

It is highly painful when someone educated stand in the road-side and keep begging. Very similar to that today morning I saw a case and am highly worried how the University encourages these types of activities. After a long time, I was little bit free today sitting in the 3rd Floor leisurely. My dogs were barking strongly, so I happened to check the visitor. Three guys were standing downstairs in a professional manner with a tie, tucked-in shirts and well

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Employee Relationship

From the day 1 of my establishment, I have never treated an employee as an employee. This is one of the most weak segment where I have lost. I trust highly that a good employee relationship is more important for an effective administration. Understanding them and providing them a space is empirically important because “THEY ARE ALSO HUMAN BEING”. If a person is a married, we should not ask him to sit along with us late evening if there are

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Lonely Business Man @ Bangkok

I had an appointment with a Business Tycoon at Bangkok this day morning. He had invited me to the tennis court as he would be occupied in playing tennis in the morning hours. So, I scheduled my calendar accordingly and went to meet him. To my surprise, I realized that he was playing alone in the court and on the opposite side there were almost 200+ tennis balls. Aside there was a basket which was containing the around some 50

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Losing the earphones – A worst Habit

Yes, I coin losing the earphones as a very bad habit which I posses. I use to listen to music whenever time permits. But I never ensure that I restore the earphones in the bag or jacket because of work or some other interests ( 😛 ). Every alternate month, I spend around INR 450 for this earphones. But there is no satisfaction in few earphones which priced less than the said one. By this time, known to me [According

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Losing a Business

Losing future business is very simple these days. Just deliver without quality, you can lose it. But recently I had a study/learning about losing a business by being adamant. Yes, I was in a good contact with an organization since 2009. That was of an win-win opportunity for both of us. In 2010, we have generated them a revenue of around 100,000 INR. Recently, they have upgraded the platform. In that platform, we were given with the rights of creating

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