Romantic Ride in TNSTC + 2

I could see your face glittering on reading this post title. Yes, I could surely say it as Romantic Ride on Sunday evening to my mother’s hometown without any protocol or stupids behind me. Wanted my car to be picked-up and unfortunately my driver was on leave and more interesting is that I was jobless. It is a very rare occasion to get jobless moments. So decided to pick it up.

Started from my home at 6.30 PM and reached the bus station point at 6.35 PM. Since the junction is a prominent one, happened to meet most of the VIPs and my school VIPs. With numerous Hi and Hello’s was about to board into the bus at 6.55 PM routing to Jipmer. Reached in around 17 minutes. Most of the seats were filled with young couples married and families who were returning after the visit to Beach or Sunday Market which is very famous in Pondicherry.

This was a the second break and had met almost 12 people including old employees. I really love travelling in the foot board alike my school days / college days from Chennai to Pondicherry and vice-versa. Ignored 2 buses for this reason, but externally resembled as if I was giving priority to the guys who were speaking to me. Got the bus Pondicherry to Chennai Express at 7.35 PM and managed to get-in. Took the tickets and was waiting at the entrance itself. Plugged into my earphones and was waiting for the ticket collector to move off. While crossing KFC, he went to his seat. Sat near the front door stair and peeped out of the door space. To my left I saw a couple (unmarried) in the front seat.

They were seriously discussing about their future family moves and others. That was literally funny on overhearing it 😀 😛 . I do agree that overhearing is itself a wrong, posting about it into the blog is more seriously bad. But few verses were really funny and made me to laugh. It seems they started from Red Hills area yesterday afternoon 2 and they were returning back. First they started discussing about their religion. One was Hindu and another was Christian it seems. They discussed about their marriage formality and finally said they could run away from the family to avoid confusions. That gal was asking the boy how much he could bring from his family? Was feeling if it was a day robbery. To my surprise the Gal was expecting for a cute girl child like her and the boy was expecting an intelligent boy like him. Aiyo! Nothing was acceptable. Some people were sleeping and some were acting such. Romantic discussions and from the start to end, that guy didn’t take the hands off her hands. By the time, they could have rolled the Atta for a marriage itself.

Now, it was my time to get down. Got down and had few minutes to refresh. Got another bus from Tindivanam to my mother’s hometown. There a guy seated next to me started texting. For almost 16 kilometers, he would have texted that gal Priyadarshini by 400+ conversations. “Sollu di” which means SAY SOMETHING was the recursive text from him. I was burning internally  because I wish to call someone with DI, but that guy called her more than 100 times. And, all sorry for overhearing and peeping into the another guy’s mobile. Though it was funny, it has its implications.

Finally, decided not to travel anymore in bus as I am not eligible to travel.

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at

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