1 or 2 | 30 or 40 – Selection of Friends – Importance / Curse of Life

Yes, seeing the heading I am sure that out of my 4000+ Friends in Facebook, few may unfriend me. That’s OK! Even I find it very difficult to remove them. Because judging amongst the best or 1st circle or 2nd circle or nth circle is difficult. In my Facebook before few minutes I saw 4199 friends into my list. Am happy about seeing the count, but actually how many are close enough to me? Do they know atleast something or a step greater than my Private Secretary?

Having 30 or 40 would be highly devastating our identity. A recent incident, few days ago I was added up into a group through WhatsApp. Ofcourse, I wanted to stay in that group for a long time as that group was my mother school friends reunion. We were sharing few old memories and to my surprise the name of the group was changed to my old nick name. Was really delighted up and felt like flying in the sky without wings. I responded almost all the threads which was running for a count of 900+ along with my PS and others. Around 40 were there in the group (I am not sure about the exact count) as I was preparing some class notes. Things were going on casually, at a point of time, the storm came into. Someone started talking in double meaning words. And almost at 2 AM, the actions were also into the wrong intention and illegal as of legislation. That wasn’t tolerable and acceptable. And, finally I decided to quit the group inorder to maintain the Bureaucracy.

Not only this instance, there are many such instances where we decide to maintain a small group. I understood this while growing up that having many friends is highly disadvantage. Though professionally I have many friends, sharing my inner feelings and other confidential may be with one or two. And moreover everyone isn’t such loyal which we expect. Although I was highly maintaining the regards with my close circle, I started moving away from them for various reasons and still exploring the root cause, the thing which de-iterates could be my EGO also. But in the same motion scale, we expect the guy who sits opposite to us also.

Now, am quite happy!

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at www.kokulakrishnaharik.in

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