What Indian Colleges failed to teach Students? P1

This topic is the need for the hour. I happened to visit many institutes within India and out of India. The only difference is that the Indian institutes pressurize only on the Theory and never touches the Practical or Life Sciences. The have a focus on the academic segment alone and never go for the life science, which is most important for leading a successful life. Even the schools impose few minutes in Value Education / Moral Sciences and leave them ignored.

If I know the rocket science and I don’t know how to wear a tie, that is an embarrassing moment.

Not only this, but even there are many such instances when we may lose important information which needs for shaping our life in many occurrences. Even the institutes in India fail to teach how to wear an underwear (brief) and cover the private areas. Yes, even the beggar in India is aware about this, but the fashion (stupidity) which is never cared by parents and faculties make them to wear such.

I used to have the chat in a regular place near to my residence, it was about 9 PM there were few people near to that shop. There were 4 students who came to that shop. The surprising fact is that none of that group was wearing shirts. Around 19 – 21 could be the age. They tied their shirts in the belt wrap to cover the back. Unfortunately their private parts were exposed partially over their underwear and they did a free branding for JOCKEY and some other local brands too.

They were discussing among another guy who could be his schoolmate, that he was doing his Mechanical Engineering in a reputed institute in Pondicherry, while others got introduced saying they were doing Electrical Engineering and two were into Communications Engineering. There were around 4 girls of Datamatics having a chat there, and on seeing this semi-nudity they ran away from that place after throwing their paid chat into the waste bin.

So, is this is the fault of the parents or college or the individual? Purely, I could conclude that it is a fault on the college which failed to teach them how to wear a pant and behave in the public.

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at www.kokulakrishnaharik.in

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