“You have a Baby Boy” – Touching Accident Incident

Happening of accident in India has become too usual and common stuff. To coin in a different version, “It is as usual as charging a mobile phone”. But only when it happens in our family or our associate, the pain comes up bulged.

After having a long trip to Thiruchengode, Coimbatore, Salem I was driving my car back to home all alone since the driver was given with some leave. And I love driving the car all alone or with highly confidante of mine. Whenever I have such an option, I never miss it.

And while driving alone or with driver I never stand on the accidents after the 2007 issue of helping an International Person on this affair. But all of a sudden yesterday while returning, crossing Villupuram (a locality in Tamil Nadu, India) late night saw some watery substance in the road and slowed my vehicle. At the dark after turning my car lamps from high to low beam, found two people on the road. As the blood was not clotted in the road, I learnt that the accident could have happened minutes before. Stopped my car and saw those guys who could be ranging from 20 – 30 years. Called to 108 (NAS – National Ambulance Service) and local police station. They said that they will be in few minutes as the Police Station was nearby.

Both the guys head was opened like a suitcase and their brain was on the road. As it was a dry dark area no one was even intending to stop-by to help. Ambulance and Police (only one PC) came at the same time. The distress is that in the ambulance there was only one driver and no doctor. Anyway, while I was getting down from my car itself, I identified it as SPOT DEAD. The PC and ambulance driver managed to carry one body into the Ambulance.

The guy who was sitting at the back had his hands around the abdomen of the person who drove the two wheeler!

The PC got some call on wireless and was unable to answer and he took the call over his mobile. The Ambulance driver requested me to help the other case. I thought like a Cinematic Hero and attempted to help him. He said to me that I will not be able to take food for next two days if I take the head part generally as it was open like something; he requested me to get hold the leg part. I took it too casual and got hold of both the legs. Suddenly the middle part of the human body went down and he shouted “Sir! Sir!”. I gave a hand behind a spot under the lumbar. Oh my gosh, a part of his body the HIP and lower abdominal section was in my right hand connected with top and bottom only because of skin even which was bleeding. After few moments, made him into the ambulance and the Ambulance was about to be started. He had only one bucket of water and that was sufficient for me to wash only my hands.

By that time the PC came back and asked if both the bodies were taken OFF and advised him to go to Mundiyambakkam Government General Hospital. He took the ambulance and we found a mobile phone blinking in the accident spot. I went to take that, it was a Micromax Mobile and there was a call from “Jayanthi Sister” and we disconnected the call. There was a text message in the mobile,

You have a Baby Boy. Come to hospital soon!

Ofcourse he has now went to the hospital where his boy could have been delivered. I went on literally crying on seeing that text message. Even if that boy grows-up the society and community which he lives would define him that he killed his father during his birth and so on.

I am still unable to eat or even worried if it would digest after seeing this moment.

Finally, Be Careful always!

Kokula Krishna Hari K an Indian born in Pondicherry, South India in the 1980's is a pure veteran with acquired knowledge in Business Administration, Computer Research and Entrepreneurship. Kae Kae or KK or Kokula Krishna Hari is a strong Public Policy and Strategic Expert. All the contents and views expressed in this Blog are personal and nowhere represents his official comments or associated with his Professional Associations. More information about KK at www.kokulakrishnaharik.in

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